HDF5 / NeXus files are annoying because they contain external references to other files. Simply
mv foo_000001.h5 bar_000001.h5
mv foo.h5 bar.h5
won’t work as you will break the links which point to foo_000001.h5
. So, you need to fix them as you go. This is a script to do just that -
import sys
import h5py
def linkinfo(fin, path):
link = fin.get(path, getlink=True)
return link.filename, link.path
def fixit(filename):
"""Fix the references inside filename"""
assert filename.endswith(".nxs")
root = filename[:-4]
with h5py.File(filename, "r+") as fin:
path = "/entry/data/data_000001"
d_file, d_path = linkinfo(fin, path)
d_file = f"{root}_000001.h5"
fin[path] = h5py.ExternalLink(d_file, d_path)
for path in ("/entry/instrument/detector/detectorSpecific/pixel_mask",
d_file, d_path = linkinfo(fin, path)
d_file = f"{root}_meta.h5"
fin[path] = h5py.ExternalLink(d_file, d_path)
You can use this with
dials.python fixit.py renamed.nxs
where renamed.nxs
has already been renamed to what you want the new file root to be. I found this useful, maybe others will too?