Graeme Winter

ARM Assembly on SAMD51 / M4

The SAMD51 MCU in Adafruit Grand Central M4 and ItsyBitsy M4 is a powerful chip, with ARM Thumb / Thumb 2 as well as a bunch of interesting hardware inside including a true random number generator. Wanted to test how “random” this is: at the start try out just seeing whether the bits are 0, 1 50% of the time.

Doing this in µPython alone on the board was überslow -> time to use some assembly. The optimum solution for this however will require bits of ARM assembly which are not tidily wrapped in nice asm_thumb wrappers… data sheet time, need to compile me some of my own assembly (particularly for and and lsr with immediate values).


from machine import mem32
from array import array
from uctypes import addressof

counts = array("I", [0 for j in range(32)])

# inputs
# r0: pointer to counts
# r1: pointer to TRNG data register
# r2: number of iterations

# working
# r3: scratch register 0...31
# r4: scratch register for random number
# r5: scratch register for accumulate
# r6: scratch register for add
# r7: working register for ldr / str

# test & with r0 & #1
def trng_test(r0, r1, r2):
    push({r4, r5, r6, r7})

    ldr(r4, [r1, 0])
    mov(r3, 32)
    mov(r7, r0)
    ldr(r6, [r7, 0])
    data(2, 0xF004, 0x0501)
    add(r6, r6, r5)
    str(r6, [r7, 0])
    add(r7, r7, 4)
    data(2, 0x0864)
    sub(r3, r3, 1)
    cmp(r3, 0)
    sub(r2, r2, 1)
    cmp(r2, 0)

    pop({r4, r5, r6, r7})

# set up TRNG

# MCLK enable -> BASE = 0x40000800 (p51)
# BASE + 0x1C (APBCMASK) -> bit 10 needs to be toggled (read / modify / write or xor?)

MCLK_BASE = 0x40000800

mem32[APBCMASK] = mem32[APBCMASK] | 1 << 10

# TRNG -> BASE = 0x42002800
# TRNG enable -> BASE -> bit 1 needs to be toggled

TRNG_BASE = 0x42002800
mem32[0x42002800] = mem32[0x42002800] | 1 << 1

# read from RNG -> assuming that this is _so slow_ that I don't need to wait for
# the interrupt to tell me it is ready


N = 100

trng_test(addressof(counts), TRNG_DATA, 2 * N * N)

for j in range(32):
    print(f"{j:02x} {(counts[j] - N * N) / N:.3f}")

This is surprisingly quick… and tells me that the distribution of values does appear to be compatible with a 50/50 split of 0, 1 for every bit.