These did my head in some, so…
import sys
def fmt(values):
assert len(values) == 12
null = ""
return f"{values[0]}_{null.join(values[1:4])}_{null.join(values[4:])}"
if "x" in sys.argv[1]:
a = int(sys.argv[1], 16)
a = int(sys.argv[1])
if a < 0x100:
print(fmt(format(a, "012b")))
stra = format(a, "032b")
if stra.rindex("1") - stra.index("1") > 7:
sys.exit("cannot decode without information loss")
s = stra.index("1") + 8
r = stra[s:] + stra[:s]
word = format(s, "05b") + r[-7:]
print(fmt(format(s, "05b") + r[-7:]))
Wrote a little compiler. You need to fill in the other bits of the instruction yourself.