Graeme Winter

Assembly for Mandelbrot sets

For me this is pretty well warn ground - calculating a Mandelbrot set using ARM assembly. Right now though this will try doing so from Python which may strike as absurd. Because it is. The µPython I use for this kind of thing has the concept of a decorator for asm_thumb and an inline assembler. You can use this to implement Python functions in assembly (at least, the Thumb subset). The only issue is that the wrappers include a minimal subset of such instructions, so much of it you need to roll for youself by putting the right numbers in the right places.

Much time has been spent in DDI0308 - the ARM Architecture Reference Manual Thumb2 supplement - a catchy title for a real page turner.

One difficulty with this is having enough space to store / transmit the image. The calculation here is therefore performed in scan lines, with each scan line written to memory then transmitted to a host computer over UART.

The Code

Where possible this uses the asm_thumb standard wrapper functions - however these are limited in that they can only access r0-r7 and don’t include a number of the functions I would assume are critical. N.B, you also cannot mix in standard 32 bit ARMv7 instructions.

With no shortage of irony the code below is written for clarity in that the binary instructions are separated out into the groups used in the data sheet, so e.g. the register value will look like _0001_ for r1. In most (if not all?) cases the instructions are prefixed with the assembly mnemonic and the § number in the reference manual. It is worth noting also that though extensive use is made below of imm12 value encoding, I still have no idea how it works.

from machine import Pin, UART
from uctypes import addressof

# r0 - pointer to address to write data to (presumably good for 1280*4 bytes)
# r1 fixed point signed 7.24 format Ci position

def mandelrow_asm(r0, r1):
    push({r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10})

    # save Ci to working register
    mov(r2, r1)

    # save write pointer address
    mov(r10, r0)

    # initialise r1 -> Cr - this is messy, probably multiple methods
    # mvn §4.6.85 - init as -2, shift 24, add 0x4000. add § 4.6.3
    data(2, 0b11110_0_0_0011_0_1111, 0b0_000_0001_00000001)
    lsl(r1, r1, 24)
    data(2, 0b11110_1_0_1000_0_0001, 0b0_100_0001_10000000)

    # real loop

    # initialise iter, Zr, Zi
    mov(r0, 0)
    mov(r3, 0)
    mov(r4, 0)


    # compute squares -> z8, z9
    # Zr^2 -> SMULL r3, r3 -> r6, r7 §4.6.150
    data(2, 0b11111_0111_0_00_0011, 0b0110_0111_0000_0011)
    # now right shift LO by 24
    lsr(r6, r6, 24)
    # shift left everything else by 8 & orr §4.6.92
    data(2, 0b11101_01_0010_0_0110, 0b0_010_1000_00_00_0111)
    # Zi^2 -> SMULL r4, r4 -> r6, r7 §4.1.87
    data(2, 0b11111_0111_0_00_0100, 0b0110_0111_0000_0100)
    # now right shift LO by 24
    lsr(r6, r6, 24)
    # shift left everything else by 8 & orr §4.6.92
    data(2, 0b11101_01_0010_0_0110, 0b0_010_1001_00_00_0111)

    # Add r8, r9 -> r5 §4.6.4 encoding T3 to reach high registers
    data(2, 0b11101_01_1000_0_1000, 0b0_000_0101_00_00_1001)

    # cmp because big value; §4.6.29
    data(2, 0b11110_0_0_1101_1_0101, 0b0_110_1111_10000000)

    # next zr - SUB encoding at §4.6.177 to reach high registers
    mov(r5, r3)
    data(2, 0b11101_01_1101_0_1000, 0b0_0000_0110_00_00_1001)
    add(r3, r6, r1)

    # next zi - SMULL etc.
    data(2, 0b11111_0111_0_00_0101, 0b0110_0111_0000_0100)
    lsr(r6, r6, 24)
    data(2, 0b11101_01_0010_0_0110, 0b0_010_0101_00_00_0111)
    data(2, 0b11101_01_1000_0_0010, 0b0_000_0100_01_00_0101)

    add(r0, 1)
    # cmp because big value; §4.6.29
    data(2, 0b11110_1_0_1101_1_0000, 0b0_101_1111_10000000)


    # save iteration count using T3 encoding to allow access to r10
    # str at § 4.6.162
    data(2, 0b11111_00_0_1_10_0_1010, 0b0000_000000000000)

    # increment write pointer
    data(2, 0b11110_0_0_1000_0_1010, 0b0_000_1010_00000100)

    # increment Cr counter - compare with 0x800000
    data(2, 0b11110_1_0_1000_0_0001, 0b0_100_0001_00000000)
    data(2, 0b11110_1_0_1101_1_0001, 0b0_000_1111_00000000)

    pop({r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10})

def main():
    rx = Pin("D50")
    tx = Pin("D51")

    uart = UART(7, 115200 * 8, tx=tx, rx=rx)

    # scratch area for working
    data = bytearray(1280 * 4)
    address = addressof(data)

    for i in range(1280):
        Ci = (-5 << 22) + 0x4000 + i * 0x8000
        mandelrow_asm(address, Ci)


Result and Discussion

It took around 500s to execute the program above - which feels like an age of mankind. However, it works correctly:

Mandelbrot set

(more usefully, it gives bitwise identical results to another implementation). Interestingly, this takes around 50s to execute in traditional ARM assembly on a Raspberry Pi 0, at 1GHz. These are relatively comparable as both ARMv7 based devices, so within 20% or so feels fairly respectable, given the inevitable overhead of including Python (and having to JIT assemble, which comes out of the execution time.)